Monday, January 27, 2020

Health and Safety Challenges in the Mining Industry

Health and Safety Challenges in the Mining Industry 1. Outline some of the key health and safety challenges that is faced by a mining company you are familiar with. The industry has experienced both high consequence low frequency events (disasters such as Moura and Gretley) as well as low frequency high events (such as slips, strains and falls) contribute to the industrys high lost time injury rate (LTIR). It has also had its share of occupational diseases. Historically, pneumonocosis (lung disease caused by inhalation of mineral dust), asbestosis and mesothelioma have been key areas of concern. Noise, vibration and fatigue are issues of significant health concerns. The management and control of major hazards associated with structural collapses, fires and explosions are key safety issues of the day. Moura: During the past forty years there have been three mining disasters in the Moura district at a cost of 36 lives. The first occurred at Kianga Mine on 20 September 1975. Thirteen miners died from an explosion which was found to have been initiated by spontaneous combustion. The mine was sealed and the bodies of the men were never recovered. The second occurred on 16 July 1986 at Moura No 4 Mine when twelve miners died from an explosion thought to have been initiated by one of two possible sources, namely frictional ignition or a flame safety lamp. The bodies of the miners, in this case, were recovered. The third of the disasters occurred on 7 August 1994 at Moura No 2 Mine. On this occasion eleven miners died as a result of an explosion. The mine was sealed and, at this time, the bodies have not been recovered. 2. What is the framework of the mine safety legislation in your state/country? Since Australia is a federation of states, each state sets out its own laws, which include its own regulatory standards for occupational health and safety. At beginning, each state was separate and used the old health codes (i.e., legislation) and standards from the British system. This system relied heavily upon very specific (i.e., numbers based) system which was easy to enforce and simple to understand. However problems ensured as time and technology progressed which led to the health and safety reform that began in 1972. The Current Framework for Mine Safety in Australia in 3 ways: Regulations under a general OHS Act (VIC/SA/TAS/NT) In separate Mine Safety Acts and Regulations (WA/QLD) In separate mine Safety Act and Regulations Subordinate to a general OHS Act (NSW) Since Victoria is my state, the following legalisation will be used under 3 main categories given as below. Dangerous Goods Act Environment Protection ACT Occupational Health and Safety Regulations a) As per Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. Act No. 107/2004: Enabling act. Sets out the key principles, duties and rights in relation to occupational health and safety (OHS). Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007,Statutory Rule No. 54/2007: Specifies the way in which a duty imposed by the OHS Act must be performed, or prescribe procedural or administrative matters to support the OHS Act (eg requiring licences for specific activities, the keeping of records or giving notice). WorkSafe Positions: Are guidelines made under section 12 of the OHS Act that state how WorkSafe will apply the OHS Act or Regulations or exercise discretion under a provision of the OHS Act or Regulations. WorkSafe Positions are intended to provide certainty to duty holders and other affected parties b) As per Environment Protection ACT: Version No. 171, Environment Protection Act 1970, No. 8056 of 1970, Version incorporating amendments as at 1 January 2010. This sets out the key principles, duties and rights in relation to Environment Protection Act. c) As per Dangerous Goods Act: This sets out the key principles, duties and rights in relation to Dangerous Goods Act. But here individually they all made for individual categories as mentioned. Version No. 081 Dangerous Goods Act 1985 No. 10189 of 1985 Version incorporating amendments as at 1 January 2010 Version No. 003 Dangerous Goods (HCDG) Regulations 2005 S.R. No. 96/2005 Version as at 14 March 2008 Version No. 005 Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2000 S.R. No. 127/2000 Version incorporating amendments as at 1 January 2009 Version No. 001 Dangerous Goods (Transport by Road or Rail) Regulations 2008 S.R. No. 166/2008 Version as at 1 January 2009 Version No. 013 Dangerous Goods (Explosives) Regulations 2000 S.R. No. 61/2000 Version incorporating amendments as at 1 January 2009 3. Robens suggested two key issues were important in achieving high standards of safety. What are these two key issue? Where in the Act (or regulation) are these two issues addressed in the mine safety legislation of your state/country? In 1972, the British Robens report sought to modify the previous codes of practice using two base principals. The first principle recognised the need to unify all the difference OHS laws under one system. It was proposed that this would be accomplished by creating â€Å"general duties† into one ruling (Robens Report, para 41). The second principle observed that a self regulation model be implemented where workers and administrators ‘come together in order increase the standards of health and safety (Robens Report, para 41). The Federal Government in 1985 passed legislation to form the then National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC); though, because Australia is a federation, each state/territory has to ratify federal legislation in order to for the commission (NOHSC) to be apart of the Commonwealth and therefore have any legal grounds. Each state reformed OHS laws, based on the Robens model and beyond. In fact, the OHS operates in a three way system. The first is the general duties which cover all employees regardless of job status (ie, contracted or not) and require the employee as practically possible to ensure a safe working environment. The second are the â€Å"provisions in regulations† are mandatory laws that are specific to each state. Finally, codes of practice are used as guidance which set the standards for the general duty of care. These help in setting standards the duty holder is required to identify the hazards and assess and control risks and therefore helps Robens second principle however there remains some critical gaps. 4. What is the main goal of industrial hygiene? List the four key processes that play a role in achieving this goal. Main goal of Industrial hygiene is risk reduction and/or risk elimination wherever possible. Anticipation Recognition Evaluation Control of workplace environmental hazards Define the following terms Hazard Risk Hazard management Risk Assessment Probability Frequency Severity Dose TLV-TWA TLV-STEL Hazard: A hazard is any ‘thing that may cause harm or injury to a person or property. Also this is the potential of any agent or substances to cause harm, usually ill-health or disease. b) Risk: The risk tells how likely an accident (An accident is any unexpected or unintended event that may cause harm or injury to a person or property) will cause harm or injury to a person or property. Risk is a function of the type of hazard times the amount of exposure (Risk = Hazard x Exposure) Hazards management: The process of enacting general duties of care in order to eliminate, substitute, or reduce the likelihood of an accident (i.e. risk) through engineering or administrative solutions, or through applying personal protection equipment (PPE). Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment is the process by which a specific risk is quantified or qualified in order to understand how to manage a specific hazard. It is based upon the effect that a specific hazard may have, the magnitude of the hazard (I,e, how severe it may be), and the duration that the hazard may impact a person or property. The risk assessment helps ascertain how a hazard may be managed and how a risk may be controlled. Probability: the likelihood for an event to occur. One of the factors that serves as the dependant variable for risk (I.e. Risk=Probability * Severity) or It is a way of expressing knowledge or belief that an event will occur or has occurred. In mathematics the concept has been given an exact meaning in probability theory, that is used extensively in such areas of study as mathematics, statistics, finance, gambling, science, and philosophy to draw conclusions about the likelihood of potential events and the underlying mechanics of complex systems. f) Frequency: Frequency is the rate at which a person may come into contact with a hazard over a defined length of time. Or The number of times that a periodic function repeats the same sequence of values during a unit variation of the independent variable Severity: Severity is the magnitude, or intensity, with which a hazardous substance is exposed to a person. It is the dimension for classifying seriousness for Technical support issues. Dose: Is the amount of the hazard which we are exposed. It is defined by the concentration of the hazardous substance times the length of time a person is exposed. Dose is the concept of dose is paramount for occupational hygiene and risk management. Dose refers to the amount of a substance to which we are exposed, and is a combination of the concentration of exposure and duration of exposure. Dose= concentration*duration of exposure i) TLV-TWA: TLV values generally refer to a national exposure standard for a hazard (i.e. chemical, dust, or radiation). It is a means of quantifying the maximum concentrations of a particular substance in an area over a specified length of time, and then applying it as a standard for health and safety inspectors and duty carriers to use as a way of assessing risk. TWA is an acronym for time weighted average. In this case, the duration of contaminant exposure is expressed over an eight hour working day and a five day working week. In this way, this exposure standard incorporates the maximum and minimum exposure rates a person experiences during a regular working day. The emphasis of an exposure free time is implicitly involved (as would be the case for noise) so that certain body thresholds are not passed. j) TLV-STEL: STEL is an acronym for short term exposure limit. For some substances, a short term exposure standard is needed since acute and chronic health affects may result. Instead of an eight hour day, this exposure standard is measure over no more than fifteen minutes. 6. Whatare the main airborne contaminants/pollutants that can cause health-related problems at mine sites? The Dust and particulates (arsenic, lead, mercury and etc); The Toxic gases (carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and etc); The Carcinogens (asbestos, aromatic hydrocarbons, and etc); The Flammable gases (methane and carbon dioxide and etc); The Radiation poison (radon, uranium, thorium and etc); The Mixture of viruses and bacteria. 7. For a particular legal jurisdiction (state/country) what are the legal requirements for the concentration of the following in the general body of ventilation airflow (maximum or minimum)? According to the HSIS a) Oxygen Pure oxygen: no restrictions Oxygen diflouride: TWA=.05 ppm b) Methane (as a gas) Pure methane: TWA=0, STEL=0 Bromomethane: 5ppm STEL=0 c) Carbon dioxide In coal mines: TWA= 12,500 ppm STEL= 30000 ppm Regular: TWA= 5000 ppm STEL= 30,000 ppm d) Carbon monoxide: TWA= 30 ppm STEL=0 e) Hydrogen sulphide: TWA= 10 ppm STEL= 15ppm f) Respirable dust (no silica) Coal Dust: TWA = 3 mg/ m3 STEL=0 Soapstone: TWA = 3 mg/ m3 STEL=0 Vanadium: TWA = 0.05 mg/ m3 STEL=0 Graphite: TWA = 3 mg/ m3 STEL=0 g) Respirable dust (with silica): TWA= 2 mg/m3 h) Oxides of Nitrogen: Nitrogen Triflouride: TWA= 10 ppm STEL=0 Nitrous Oxide: TWA= 25 ppm STEL=0 Nitric Oxide: TWA=25 ppm STEL=0 Nitrogen dioxide: TWA= 3ppm STEL=0 Nitrogen tetroxide: TWA= 0 STEL=0 8. Define Dust, list and briefly describe the general preventative measures, which can be used to control or prevent exposure to high dust exposures. Dust caused by the mechanical disintegration of material can be defined as a collection of solid particles which: Are dispersed in a gaseous medium (usually air) Are able to remain suspended in the air for a relatively long time Have a high surface area to volume ratio. So briefly, over the entire range of airborne materials, dust generally has the largest particle size although it can exhibit a wide particulate range. In general, dust can be defined an amalgamation of various particulates (solid matter) that can separate and remain in suspension in air. Dust is generally caused by mechanical weathering through, in the case of mines, the use of very large machines (drills and crushers) and blasts. Dust can either pose an immediate hazard (I,e, eye irritation) or long term health effects (radioactive particles that stick to respirable dust which are subsequently inhaled). Whether the effects are long term or short term, there are a number of ways that duty careers can control or even eliminate dust. 1) Preventative measures (Elimination): This is the best way among all. This includes watering to reduce dust formation when cutting and drilling; ensuring that cutting equipment is sharp, and using oils to transport mine cuts to an enclosed area. Under these conditions, â€Å"the means of control† is through elimination. A final piece of equipment is a blind hole borer which traps the dust generated through an enclosure. 2) Ventilation (Engineering): This is an engineering means of control dust through a proper ventilation system. Here the air must be able to be strong enough to pick up the heavy dust particles to reduce the amount of dust concentrating in the air or on the ground. Dust extraction and filtration systems that pump in the ‘dusty air, filter out the particles and then expel ‘cleaner air. 3) Removal of employees (Administrative): This is an administrative approach where the employees are basically removed from the hazard thereby eliminating exposure. This is often not very practical, especially in medium/small operations, or in rural operations where all employees are needed, or working rotation is not an option. 4) Use of respirator (PPE): This is the least way control however we have no other option. Here a worker uses a respirator in order to filter out the dust, thereby minimising risk by reducing exposure. However, many respirators can be too heavy or cumbersome to deal with, especially underground. 9. Discuss how methane is generated in mines. What are the key risks associated with methane, and how can the risks be managed? Methane generation in mines: This is produced by bacterial and chemical action on organic material and is evolved during both the formation of coal and petroleum. One of the most common strata gases. It is not toxic but is dangerous as it can form an explosive mixture with air. A methane/air mixture commonly called firedamp. Methane is commonly associated with coal mines but it is also commonly found in other mines which are over or underlain by carbonaceous formations. Methane is retained within fractures, voids and pores within rock either as a compressed gas or adsorbed on mineral surfaces. When mining disturbs the rock the gas pressure gradient set up between the reservoir of methane and the ventilation system induces flow of methane along natural or mining induced fractures towards the opening. Key Risk: Methane has no odour, but it is often accompanied by traces of heavier hydrocarbons in the paraffin series, which have a characteristic oily smell. The density of methane is a little over half that of air. This gives rise to the danger of methane layering in pools along the roof of underground openings. The buoyancy of methane can also cause problems in inclined workings. Methane burns in air with a pale blue flame. The explosible range for methane in air is generally quoted as 5-15% with maximum explosibility at 9.8%. The lower limit remains fairly constant, the upper limit reduces as the oxygen content of air falls. To track the flammability of methane air mixtures a coward diagram as shown in figure 2 can be used. With relation to figure 1: Figure 1: The coward diagram for methane in air. In zone A the mixture is not flammable but is likely to become so if further methane is added. In zone B the mixture is explosive and has a minimum nose value at 12.2% oxygen Zones C and D illustrate mixtures that may exist in sealed areas. Methane layers have two main hazards associated with them: Layers extend the zones within which ignitions can occur When an ignition occurs the methane layer acts as an effective fuse along which the flame can propagate, sometimes leading to much larger accumulations in roof cavities or in the gob. Methane and Carbon dioxide (mixtures of the two gases) if mixed with nitrogen will make the dangers atmosphere. Because this associated with gas outbursts are: Asphyxiation of miners by gas and dust. Compressed air lifelines may be maintained on or close to faces that are prone to outbursts. The violence of the outburst may damage equipment, causing sparking that may ignite the highly flammable gas/dust mixture. The sudden expansion of a large volume of gas can disrupt the ventilation system of the mine. To control and Manage: To control and manage the risk of Methane, first of all need to know the sources and nature of methane, and how the methane is releasing and migrating. And then understanding of risks can easily lead to learn of the methane risk management. The major systems as follows, In its naturally occurring state in a coal seam, firedamp does not constitute an explosive risk. However, where firedamp released from adjacent seams meets fresh-air in the goaf, the firedamp is diluted and explosive mixtures (around 5% to 15% methane in air) are formed. Effective firedamp control is essential for safe working and involves providing either: Face-End Ventilation and Gas Control :well designed Ventilation flow avoid the risk of methane gas. Firedamp Drainage on Retreat Longwalls: Firedamp capture efficiencies on longwall faces typically lie between 60% and 80% of the total gas on advancing faces and from 30% to 60% of the total gas on retreat faces. Alternatives and Supplements to Firedamp Drainage: There are ventilation options applicable to some retreat longwall coalfaces which can obviate the need for costly firedamp drainage. Such methods (eg. bleeder roads and sewer gate systems) are aimed at diverting gas away from working coalfaces along routes separate from those used to service the face. Goaf Flushing: Goaf flushing has been used for temporarily amelioration of firedamp concentrations in a district return but it is not a recommended gas control solution. The method is generally applied to a fully-developed goaf (ie. where sufficient goaf has been created to form a substantial gas reservoir). The ventilation pressure across a district is reduced, after men have been withdrawn, allowing high gas concentration gas to migrate forward into the return airway. Transport activities in the main return may have to be suspended. Eventually, the equilibrium between gas flow into the waste and gas flow into the return is restored, the gas concentration in the district return being at a higher concentration than before due to the reduced air quantity. On restoring the original airflow, the gas is forced into the goaf, away from the face, thus reducing the emission into the return until equilibrium conditions are once again obtained. This approach is not advised due to the uncontro lled release of elevated firedamp concentrations into airways and across electrical equipment. Methane Drainage:To produce gaseous fuel and/or to reduce methane emissions in to ventilation system its been used. Methane that is drained needs to be transported safely to the point of delivery, the infrastructure that is required to achieve this consists of the following: Pipe ranges, Monitors, Safety devices, Controls, Extractor pumps Other than all above mentioned, in individual countries they are following up rules and regulations to control and manage the risk of Methane. Here is an example UK legislation states, Electrical power must be switched off when the general body concentration of methane exceeds 1.25%. If methane concentration exceeds 2% personnel other than those associated with improving the ventilation in the area should leave the area. 10. Discuss the sources and risks associated with arsenic, mercury and cyanides. How can the risks be managed? A) mercury Sources: Natural sources: Volcanoes Volatilization from oceans Erosion of natural deposits Human Activities: Estimated to be 1/3-2/3 of the total mercury released into the environment. Sources include: Stack losses from cinnabar roasting The working and smelting of metals Coal fired power plants Discharges from mines, refineries and factories Combustion of coal and municipal wastes, industrial wastes and boilers Medical waste incinerators Pesticides Runoff from landfills/croplands B) mercury Risks: Persistence: Can change form, Cannot be destroyed Solubility: Cinnabar (HgS) is insoluble (and resists weathering); Liquid Hg is slightly soluble in water. Bioaccumulation: Hg methylation forms CH3Hg+ which is easily absorbed by organisms and biomagnifies from the bottom to the top of the food chain Bioaccumulates (concentrates) in muscle and tissue of fish and other wildlife CH3Hg+ generally increases by a factor of ten or less with each step up the food chain C) Arsenic Sources: Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) is the most common arsenic mineral in ores and is also a byproduct associated with copper, gold, silver, and lead/zinc mining. Arsenic trioxide (Fe2As3) is present in flue gases from copper ore roasting coal-fired power plants and incinerators also may release As into atmosphere. Water: average concentration is 1 ppb, but can be > 1,000 ppb in mining areas; As+5 most prevalent; many compounds dissolve in water. D) Arsenic Risks: Arsenic is a human carcinogen In humans the primary target organs are the skin and vascular system birds, animals, plants, and freshwater fish can become contaminated Toxicity in water is determined by water temperature, pH, organic content, phosphate concentration, suspended soils, presence of oxidants, and speciation E) Cyanides Sources: Can leach from landfills and cyanide-containing road salts as well as to the atmosphere from car exhaust (hydrogen cyanide gas HCN). Some foods (almonds and lima beans) contain cyanides naturally It can be produced by some bacteria, fungi, and algae Spills: Cyanide and other heavy metal pollutants overflowed a dam at Baia Mare, Romania, contaminating 250 miles of rivers, and killing millions of fish Most persistent in groundwater at higher pH F) Cyanides Risks Oral lethal dose of KCN for an adult is 200 mg Airborne concentrations of 270 ppm is fatal Long term exposure to lower levels results in heart pains, breathing difficulties, vomiting, blood changes, headaches and thyroid gland enlargement CN does not bio-accumulate in fish G) Cyanide risk Control Methods: Production: Encourage responsible cyanide manufacturing by purchasing from manufacturers who operate in a safe and environmentally protective manner. Transportation: Protect communities and the environment during cyanide transport. Handling and Storage: Protect workers and the environment during cyanide handling and storage. Operations: Manage cyanide process solutions and waste streams to protect human health and the environment. Decommissioning: Protect communities and the environment from cyanide through development and implementation of decommissioning plans for cyanide facilities. Worker Safety: Protect workers health and safety from exposure to cyanide Emergency Response: Protect communities and the environment through the development of emergency response strategies and capabilities. Training: Train workers and emergency response personnel to manage cyanide in a safe and environmentally protective manner. Daily inspection of leach residue storage ponds and tailings delivery pipelines; Incident reporting and a system of emergency procedures; Systems for data recording, evaluation, interpretation and reporting; Process technician training and awareness of potential cyanide related problems, including personal safety and impacts on the surrounding natural environment; systematic records management and documentation of animal mortalities; Incorporating cyanide management procedures into the site Environmental Management Plan which is currently being updated. H) Arsenic and mercury risk control methods: The above mentioned methods are suited to adopt Arsenic and mercury as well. However in practical world, it depends upon the harmness, will vary to importances of handling. 11. Define the purpose of ventilation in underground mines. What types of ventilations systems are common? The purpose for ventilation in mines is to dilute various forms of gases. These gases could be either a chemical hazard (as in carbon-monoxide and dust) or explosive physical hazards such as methane accumulation along the roofs of mine shafts. Ventilation systems often come in the form of, fans which control air flow stoppages and seals will seal leakages in particular to older mines Doors and airlocks Regulators which is a door with an appropriate passage to maintain air pressure gradients Aircrossings which allow suction and blowing ventilation systems to easily by pass one another and not allow for cross contamination 12. Electrical power is commonly employed in mines, what work practices would you define for the maintenance of electrical equipment? Always to be Maintained, reviewed and modified mine power supply systems. Make sure Consistently inspect machineraries and carry out tests for faults and hazards Make sure always the electrical equipment is properly viewed, so that arrange some lights near electrical equipment in underground mines to ensure to be visible. Make sure while Create procedures to ensure noise and electrical hazards; over voltages, current regulation, noise level reductions etc., are maintained to appropriate legislative standards. Without too much stress, try to provide machinery that can be moved easily that are also within legislative requirements and can supply adequate electricity Create an alternative power supply source in case of machinery breakdown which allows to do maintenance activities. For the quick identification, install proper mine cables with appropriate colour coding system. And following safety rules and regulations also makes the good work practices for the maintenance of electrical equipment. Failure to exercise caution may result in injury, so caution must be used when operating or repairing electrical equipment When performing electrical work, always use the proper protective equipment, such as: safety glasses, protective gloves, and a properly rated meter. State regulations, Australian Standards and company policies are designed to guard against electrical hazards in the mining industry. So following up those are very essential Wet conditions may corrode metal electrical components and cause their failure. Falling rock may damage an electrical cable or component. So need to avoid those kind of dangerous conditions before installing at specific places or need to take care to avoid those problems. Exercise caution to be used to use proper protective equipment when working with batteries. Because batteries could explode and cause injury or could ignite and cause fires. All have to be aware and especially all electrician properly trained to Be alert and knowledgeable of the hazards of electricity. Make sure always keeping attitude tono electrical work can be performed until the electrical circuit is knocked, locked, and tagged. Always make certain the frame ground is properly connected. No electrical work shall be performed except by a qualified person. Circuit breakers and disconnects shall be marked for identification. Circuit breaking devices or proper fuses, shall be installed to protect against short circuit and overloads. à ¼ Disconnecting devices shall be locked and tagged out. All electrical equipment shall be examined, tested, properly maintained, and results recorded as required 13. Your mine employs pipelines to convey the following: Compressed air Service water Methane Run of mine drainage water How would you ensure that each pipeline can be readily identified by a quick visual inspection? Colouring the pipes with different kind of colours may give solution to this case. Example: Blue colour for service water Red colour for Compressed air Green colour for Methane Yellow colour for mine drainage water This way each pipe is easily visualised in the mine. A sign that demarcates the colour coding system will also be necessary to clarify the colour coding system. 14. Distinguish, with the use of examples, the difference between major, chronic and minor incidents. What are the legal requirements for reporting these different types of

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Christian Perspectives on Euthanasia Essay

Christian Perspectives Roger Crook captures the Christian perspective on euthanasia by posing the question in terms of how we care for the dying. What do we do for the person who is comatose with no hope of recovery How do we care for the terminally ill person whose remaining days are increasingly agonisingly painful? The Human being is not simply a biological entity but a person, in the image of God and Christ. Death marks the end of a personhood in this life. Biblical teachings prohibit killing; the Sixth Commandment states ‘You shall not kill’ – both in terms of murder and involuntary manslaughter. Life should not be violated, while the prohibition of killing seems to be a moral absolute of Christianity there are exceptions for warfare and self-defence. There are examples in the Bible where the sacrifice of life is considered virtuous ‘Greater love has no man than this: That a man lay down his life for his friends’ The Bible does not prohibit all taking of life in all circumstances, although Christians have traditionally considered taking one’s own life to be wrong Roman Catholic Perspectives At the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, the Roman Catholic Church condemned crimes again life ‘such as any type of murder, genocide ,abortion, euthanasia or wilful suicide’ Life is sacred and a gift from God, ‘which they are called upon to preserve and make fruitful’ To take a life opposes God’s love for that person, and rejects the duty of a person to live life according to God’s plan. In the same declaration, the Roman Catholic Church made it clear that it was wrong to ask someone for an assisted death, and that an individual cannot consent to such a death: â€Å"For it is a question of the violation of the divine law, an offence against the dignity of the human person, a crime against life, and an attack on humanity’ The kind of autonomy that John Stuart Mill argues for is rejected by the Roman Catholic Church. We simply don’t have that freedom, because we are made by God for the purpose of loving God. A distinct argument is made about suffering and its role in Christian theology. Jesus died in pain on the cross, and human suffering at the end of life connects us to the suffering that Jesus felt. This does not mean that Christians should refuse to take painkillers or should actively seek pain, but it does grant suffering the possibility of having a positive effect on the individual. It provides the change that he or she may grow closer to God. Thomas Wood writes that suffering can seem meaningless, is terrible and is never sought, it is not the worst evil – it can be an occasion for spiritual growth and it can have moral effects on those in attendance. It can have meaning in the context of a life lived in faith. Protestant Perspectives Liberal Joseph Fletcher is an active advocate of the patient’s ‘right to de’ on the basis that Christian faith emphasises love for one’s fellow human being, and that death is not the end for Christians. Acts of kindness may embrace euthanasia, for instance when a human being is dying in agony, as a response to human need. Fletcher’s argument for euthanasia is essentially based around four points: 1. The quality of life is to be valued over biological life 2. Death is a friend to someone with a debilitating illness 3. All medical interventions place human will against nature and extraordinary means 4. Special equipment and unnecessary surgery are not morally required for a person who is terminally ill People are prepared to ‘face death and accept death as preferable to continuous suffering for the patient and the family’ There is no distinction between our response to a suffering animal or human. There is no difference between passive and active euthanasia as the result is the same. Conservative Represented by Arthur Dyck – he thinks an act of kindness can result in withdrawing treatment but not doing something actively to bring about death. Permitting some acts of active euthanasia, such as in the case of severely disable children, seems to be creating a class of human beings who are treated as less valued. He argues that a mentally retarded child is not dying, is not in pain an cannot choose to die. â€Å"Since killing is generally wrong it should be kept to as narrow a range of exceptions as possible’ While mercy is a moral obligation, killing is never as mercy. The term mercy killing is a contradiction and when we use the term to justify the killing of the disabled or the mentally incompetent, we fail to care for the most needy in the community, which is a fundamental moral duty. Dyck’s view is in keeping with traditional Christian thought, and most Christian theologians, which holds that active, direct help in the taking of human life is prohibited. Whereas voluntary euthanasia, self-willed by a rational, legally competent person, has ben permitted by some theologians, active euthanasia in which the person plays no role, has been condemned by the majority of Christian thinkers. The ethical approaches to the problem taken by Christians sometimes reflect a move from general principles to specific applications (the sanctity of life to the prohibition of euthanasia) and also at times the concern about the sinful nature of human beings and their unreliability at making good decisions through the use of ‘right reason’

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Our Sense of Self

As Feenstra (2011) states in your textbook: â€Å"Social psychologists are interested in who we are. Our sense of self is affected by what we know about the self and by the people around us. The self is a powerful force. The self affects how we feel, what we think we can do, and what we in fact do. † (pg. 32). Expanding on the quotation above, describe how individuals develop a self-concept and self-schema. Discuss the cultural, social, and environmental influences on that development.In what ways does our sense of self determine how we think about others and how we interact with individuals and groups of people? What is the significance of the acting self? In your response, be sure to address at least three of the key concepts presented in Table 2. 2 of the reading. Individuals develop a self-concept through learned behaviors, attitudes and beliefs that they usually get from their friends and family. Self-concept is continuously developed by the reinforcement of factors such as religion, experiences, relationships and even actions.The self-schema helps organize all the information we contain within the self-concept. The way we see ourselves versus the world’s view definitely plays a significant role in the choices we make, our behavior, and even our beliefs. A person’s opinions of the world are generally influenced by the experiences they have with the outside world, both negative and positive, but ultimately it is the person’s reaction to the situation that forms the self-concept. One large impact on the development of our self-concepts is our culture. Cultures vary greatly in a variety of ways, but one large difference is in the way cultures view the self and connections with others. † (Feenstra, J. , Chp. 2, Sec. 2. 1)  Cultures that are independent view people as unique individuals while interdependent cultures believe that people should be viewed as a group. Having a healthy sense of self is essential for interaction wi th people.Self-esteem plays a large part in determining a person’s personality: high self-esteem = outgoing, makes friends, â€Å"party starter†, low self-esteem = quiet, keeps to oneself, doesn’t appear friendly. That doesn’t mean high self-esteem individuals are awesome, however that doesn’t stop them from believing they are. A person’s sense of self is important when it comes to interacting with people because it affects a person’s feelings of acceptance and rejection. If a person feels rejected by the social world then they will have a hard time mingling with others.The acting self allows us to become who we need to be at that particular moment. For example, during a job interview when asked how well you could perform the job, a person must describe their worth as high in self efficacy for that specific job. The images we portray of ourselves to others is constantly changing and therefore allows us to take on new roles when necess ary. Reference: Feenstra, J. (2011). Introduction to social psychology. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Biography Of Maya Angelou - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1425 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Maya Angelou Essay Did you like this example? Maya Angelou was born in the state Louis,Missouri on April 4, 1928   She was the Daughter of two   hardworking parents, Bailey Johnson who was a doorkeeper and Vivian Johnson who was a nurse. Eventually, Maya Angelou parents were divorced just when she turned three years old. At a young age her brother Bailey that was eight years and herself and their grandmother were living in a very small town called Stamps in Arkansas where she absorbed many religious faith and would have to wear old-fashioned courtesy   due to the old   traditional African American lifestyle . Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Biography Of Maya Angelou" essay for you Create order In her early childhood years Maya Angelou was raised with her brother Bailey during   in the racial segregated South by her paternal grandmother. She earned a scholarship on a drama school . While living there she also go   several part time job as a table dancer in a nightclub, work in a mechanic shop,and worked in restaurants. She was one of the first women to be a black female cable car conductor.One of many struggles she faced was finding her true identity,growing up there were a few obstacles she had to face and they were very tuffing, making her the women she is today.One of them is becoming homeless with her son Guy and living outside of a parking lot . When she was at   the age of fourteen, she had decided to drop of out her studies and fell in love and gave birth to a child named Guy.   She eventually decided to run away at the age of 16 and considered to live a different lifestyle causing her to become a single parent trying to support herself and her child by worki ng late shifts as a waitress nonetheless, she never gave up on her dreams and goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Meanwhile Dr. Maya Angelou had worked as a writer producer on the television for   one of the best media network called the   20th century fox 20th. She had written a powerful screenplay   for Georgia,Georgia, including many other several  Ã‚   scripts on the television. For example, sister,sister. In the early 1998, she also tried to make her first attempt in the filming career and directed with a movie named   Down in Delta. Before becoming one of Americas most admired writers. Throughout, her empowering writings and poems, she had motivated a generation of African Americans woman who had to struggle to overcome prejudice,   discrimination, and,abuse sadly, at the age of seven , she had been   raped by her mothers boyfriend   and swore to never speak a word again because she believed she caused her rapist   his death. Eventually Maya Angelou had been retreated into a voluntary silence for about   five years or more. When she was brought to stay in stamps to live with her great grandmother , Angelou was   helped and supported by two very strong independent women, her mother,Mrs. Bertha who made her feel comfortable to speak again. Although Angelou writes of her actual experiences growing up and living as a black girl and a black woman in the American South, she also connects her experiences to those of all black women dealing with racism, sexism, and isolation. Her book would always send out an important message to the world about convention and stereotype  Ã‚   but mostly   to women to have empowerment and be confident in their own female skin and acceptance. Fighting for gender equality and this poem is a phenomenal example of her poetic identity. She expresses that black woman can do anything and also fights for racial equality. Her wise   words in her poetry didnt just come from her heart, they were explaining life, love, and concepts that were very abstract and obscure became clear through her poetry.   One strength was Maya Angelou is referring to herself that she is a phenomenal woman and she leaving a mark for other women   to follow. She describing her   poem through her confidence   the ways she walks,the rhythm of her hips and the way she smiles on line 30-31. In the book it also mention that one of Maya Angelous secrets is that she is leaving behind for women that will touch their hearts to lead them to being a phenomenal women. the tone and the mood of the poem phenomenal men phrases the joy in my feet the sun of my smile also the click of my heel   to create a feeling of joy while in the song I was here   in the book the tone of the song it was aspiring. Indeed she wanted to achieve so many things like leaving a mark to the world so that everyone knew what she was fighting for. Just how her poem Caged Bird is an example description of a caged bird that is able to see another bird outside the window but the caged bird is trapped with his clipped wings and his f eet are very tied and begins to sings in pain. Then the caged bird wants to be set and dream of flying far away from the world but id trapped in the caged . Also, To Beat The Child Was Bad Enough The poem is about the innocence of a child and how it is taken away when a child is beating leaving them alone and mute because when a child is abused, the lose their sense of speech and are afraid to speak. Mayas perspective of the poem highlights the tragedy of her childhood when she had been raped by monster also known as her mothers boyfriend and   became mute. While reading the poem the tone of the poem changes to fear because you can see the change of events in the poems story. A few years back Maya Angelou came out with an album titled Caged Bird Songs. This contemporary Hip Hop album came out November, 04,2014 includes songs like: Still I Rise, Africa, Life Doesnt Frighten Me, and ten more other songs. Angelous voice does not sound like any other female artist in todays mainstream music. Angelous voice is powerful. She is reciting the lyrics more like spoken word over raw beats. Although she is older Maya Angelou is still rapping, if thats not inspiring then, I do not know what is. Angelous title for her album is Caged Bird Songs, similar to one of her books titled, I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing, (a great piece of literature). The caged bird could symbolize her, not only is this a genuine title, but meaningful to those who know the real meaning of what it means and have actually read the book that connect to the title. The artwork for her album is simple yet, clever. The album has a bird and the color of the bird is golden colored, which can demonstrate angelous heart, Golden hearted. Although she did die, her legacy will continue to live and that has be proven by the success of her new album. This is not her first, she has made another album. Angelous family has helped this album become successful. Especially her grandson. What do the lyrics have that are so meaningful? Well, let me break it down, like a B-boy. The album is entirely based on what Dr. Maya Angelous poetry would have, especially on black and women empowerment. Maya Angelou quotes,A bird doesnt sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Threw this journey Ive learned that Maya uses imagery consistently in her poem to create a physical imager of a woman who loves herself and is very self confident. She also uses imagery to describe her physical features but the irony in this poem is that the American stand of beauty is to have sharp features like having the perfect body or perfect skin tone. Indeed she uses a lot of metaphors through her poems in the book. Nonetheless, she uses repetitions to stress certain phrases to emphasize the main idea of the poem that she is   a phenomenal women . Lastly, Women are important to society, not only do we make babies to keep the human race alive, but we are important too because women have been thought to be less than men and that has to be proven wrong. Glorifying women for having   all the empowerment to surpass many obstacles that all women have undergone needs to be done a lot more often, but in fact our society created a month for all women and its meaning to it is delivering a message across the world letting others know that women will continue to fight for that they believe is right.